Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Mystery River under the Ocean

Kabarkaya.com. Mystery Under The Ocean is phenomenon of 14 centuris ago finally proved in the 20th century.An underwater "River" has been discovered snaking along the ocean bed off South Western Australia, the Australian underwater river was incovered by seafaring gliders. They can operate nonstop in ithe water for up to eight months. Was found to be some 65 feet [ 20 meters],  thick and strethes for more than 60 miles [ 100 meters].
So called underwaters rivers have been discovered in different spots around the globe. In the Black sea, researcher incovered and inder water river,  but one that cut deep into the seafloor, much as rivers on dry ground wind through a landscape.

That beside Researchers Mr.Costeau discovered snaking along the ocean of Mexico , He began to think list it just hallucinaton or delusion when diving because of fresh water from salt water in the middle of the ocean. Various mysteries and screts will the revealed only through technology and human knowledge humans are creatures who inhabit the world.
There fore the scret creation of the world and all its contents is in the Creator's Knowledge Lord God Almighty [Allah]. Sky, earth,mountains and all other with levels that have been very fitting and appropriate to each other.

In addition, in some book of comentary, the verse about the meeting of two seas but not mixed with water, is detined as the location of the mouth of the river. Where a meeting was held betwen fresh water from rivers and salt water from sea. In the Qur'an about the meeting of the ocean  in Surah Ar-Rahman [55: 19-20] " He released the two seas, meeting [side by side]. Between them is barrier [so]  neither of them transgresses."And then in Surah Al-Furqan [25 : 53] " And it is He who has released [ simultaneously] the two seas, one fresh and sweet and one salty and better, and He [Allah] placed between them a barrier and prohibiting partition."

If we to mediated The Qur.an is  impossible compiled by Muhammad SAW who lived  in the seventh century, and age when then is no sopisticacated diving equipment to reach remote locations away in the depths of the ocean. Its really a miracle, the news of the odd phenomenon of 14 centuries ago finally proved in the 20th century. Many people outside of Islam do not want to learn the Quran because they perceive that the Quran is the holy book of Islam that is set only for the ritual. In fact the Qur'an God's pure creation of God who created the universe and all creatures that exist on this earth.

And instructions that exist in it in the designation for the entire human being and not just for Muslims only. Because contents of the Qur'an was not only a matter of ritual instructions only, but includes the knowledge of the occurrence of natural, human, legal, economic, social, science and technology and so much needed by all humans. So that the contents of the Qur'an that which is perfect and complete because all the clues to the man who revealed God through the prophet previous Prophets such as book of psalms revealed to the Prophet David, through Jesus Christ Bible and the Qur'an through the Prophet Muhammad. So very wrong to someone did not want to study the Qur'an for all the right directions on all science whatever is in it. Hopefully there is no benefit to us all.

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